Farmers Kevin and Lacey
Farmers Kevin and Lacey in Cazenovia, NY in 2014.
Kevin and Lacey met in 1999 in Colorado. Both attended Colorado State University, Kevin graduated with a degree in Biology and in Chemistry. Lacey graduated with a degree in Chemistry. Long story short, we got into making wine at home and decided we wanted to grow grapes and make wine for a living. We found the farm in 2009, and planted our first grapes the following fall, but in that summer (2010) we planted the first veggie garden. We had many years prior experience growing our own garden, in ground and containers. The first year garden was a success and we ended up joining our first Farmers Market in Cazenovia, NY. We were a decidedly low budget operation, we still have our first little dry erase board for pricing! We didn't even have a tent, the pictures are great! Since then, we have remained at the Caz market, the people are tremendous! We added a new Market in Fayetteville in 2014, and have found the same support from the folks there. We are truly grateful. We don't like to discuss it, so I'll briefly mention here, that a large portion of our harvests go to local food pantries. If you'd like to support a crop with a minimal donation for costs, we would be happy to dedicate that portion from you to your pantry of choice.